Zeeland Periwinkles

  • 4 persons
  • cooking time: 15 min
  • difficulty


  • 300 grams of Zeeland periwinkles
  • 2 litre court broth

How to prepare

The classic court broth is a simple vegetable broth and an excellent seasoning for preparing seafood. In this recipe, we prepare the Zeeland periwinkles for the aperitif; delicious with a needle pick in the shells.


  • 1 Rinse the periwinkles in running water under the tap, so that all the sand has disappeared from the bowls.
  • 2 Place a saucepan with the court stock and bring to the boil.
  • 3 Keep the stock just off the boil by lowering the heat a little and add the periwinkles.
  • 4 Boil them for 2 to 3 minutes and scoop the periwinkles out of the pan.
  • 5 Serve them in a small bowl, with some needles stuck in an old cork.